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ESSER Plan - American Rescue Plan/District ESSER III Plan

Hamburg Rescue Plan/District ESSER III Plan

On April 21, 2021, the U.S. Department of Education (USED) released its American Rescue Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ARP ESSER or ESSER III) interim final requirements related to district ESSER III plans and district plans for a safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services.  The State and Local Plan requirements can be found at: (https://educateiowa.gov/sites/files/ed/documents/2021-05-19_ESSERIII_StateandLocalPlans.pdf)

Each district receiving ESSER III funds must:

  • Develop a plan regarding its proposed uses of ESSER III funds, including engaging in meaningful consultation with all required stakeholders and providing the public opportunity to provide comments during plan development.
  • Submit an ESSER III plan to the Department through the Consolidated Accountability and Support Application (CASA).
  • Make the plan publicly available on its website in an understandable and accessible format.

This plan is due in full by August 20, 2021.

The distributions of these funds are based on the Title I funding formula, which are the funds providing financial assistance to local educational agencies for children from low-income families. Due to Title I allotments, Ankeny Schools will receive the lowest amount per pupil in the state of Iowa through the ESSER III funds.

Hamburg will receive the following ESSER funds:

ESSER I                                                                         $38,376

ESSER II                                                                        $168,418

ESSER III                                                                       $378,243


The ESSER III funding will be used for Summer Continuous Learning Activities, COVID related Salary/Benefits, Mitigation Supplies, Summer Extended Learning Opportunities, and Technology. 


  1.  Summer Recovery Learning:
  1.  K-5 Literacy and Math Skill Development.  Our summer recovery program was developed to help with students in strengthening their skills in literacy and math through intervention.  These interventions were based on individual needs and focused on students who would have been retained without such supports.
  2. Credit Recovery:  We offer an opportunity for students who have failed secondary classes to gain credit through our recovery program.  If a student has failed a class and is in danger of not being promoted to the next level or if they are in danger of not graduating we provide an opportunity for them to earn such credit through an online platform. 


  1.  COVID Related Salary/Benefits.
  1.  The district has used a portion of the ESSER funds to pay for additional staff costs and benefits associated with this unique situation.  This includes teachers, substitutes, and the school nurse.
  2. The district also increased the number of hours our custodial staff had to work in order to meet the needs of staff and students. 


  1. Mitigation Supplies
  1.  Mitigation supplies include the purchase of PPE, cleaning supplies, printing of instructional materials, and plexiglass dividers to have adequate protection for students.
  2. The mitigation supplies include classroom, athletic, and nutritional programs.


  1. Summer Extended Learning Opportunities:
  1.  The school district partnered with our community to provide extended learning opportunities including academic, cultural, and fitness events. 
  2. The school district offered an 8-week summer enrichment setting for all students.
  3. The program included supports for the emotional, social, and behavioral supports needed for students.


  1. Technology:
  1.  The district purchased technology devices to assure a 1:1 device ration for all grade levels.  The district purchased Chromebook, computers, and iPad.  The district has met its goal of having a device for every child in the district. 
  2. Secondary students are allowed to take the devices home to assist with learning.  Elementary devices remain at school unless there is a special arrangement made with the family. 

     The general public was invited to provide feedback on this plan through July 15, 2021, which was also reviewed by the School Improvement Advisory Community.  Any feedback, questions or comments about this report can be shared with Dr. Mike Wells, Superintendent at mwells@hamburgcsd.org