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Hamburg CSD

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2020-2021 Return to Learn Plan

(Printable Copy of the Return to Learn Letter)

Update - Temperatures will be taken before loading buses and vans.


July 14, 2020

Dear Staff & Parents,

                I am excited for the start of the 2020-2021 school year and an opportunity to work with you.   COVID 19 has caused many problems and concerns in education, so I wanted to share with you our plan for students to return to school.  In order to return to school, we were required to submit a plan that we believe provides the safest environment for students and teachers.  We have worked many weeks preparing for the return of students and staff and will adhere to the following practices:

  1. School will begin on August 24th at 8 a.m.  We will have a 1:30 dismissal for the first week of school.
  2. All students and staff will have their temperature taken when entering the building.  Anyone who has a fever of 100.4 or higher will go home and will be out for 10 calendar days.  
  1. All staff and students will wear masks into the building and in the hallways.  Once students are in the classroom, in their seats, they may take their masks off.  As a result of being a small school, we are able to follow the social distancing guidelines recommended by the CDC and Public Health. 
  1. It may be difficult for our youngest students, preschool and kindergarten, to use masks. We will make adjustments for these students as needed.  Please practice putting on a mask with your young child so they are able to do so independently.  Please see the following: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/how-to-wear-cloth-face-coverings.html
  1. All PreK-5 students will eat lunch in their classrooms in order to maintain social distancing.  Middle School will eat lunch in the lunchroom and will be spaced out to meet social distancing guidelines.   We have added  additional tables. All tables will be cleaned after each shift. 
  1. Upon boarding a school bus, students will have their temperature taken.  Students will need to wear a mask, provided from home, and will use hand sanitizer provided by the school. Students will have assigned seats that accommodate the recommended social distancing guidelines.
  2. At sporting events we will ask people to wear masks and to maintain social distancing. 
  1. All students/staff will wash their hands as recommended and use hand sanitizer to help prevent the spread of germs.
  1. If we have a confirmed COVID case, we will work with our school nurse and our local public health officials for the proper steps to prevent the spread of the virus.
  1. All students and staff will be required to follow these guidelines for the health and wellness of our school district.  If a child has health concerns, or a parent does not feel comfortable sending their child to school, we will offer an online education format for them.

                We understand the stress COVID-19 has placed on families and our community.  We will do everything possible to provide a safe environment for your children to learn in.  If you have any questions about our plan or any concerns, please contact us.  Dr. Wells can be reached on his cell phone at (712) 350-1065 or mwells@hamburgcsd.org.

God’s Blessings,

Mike Wells                                       

Dr. Mike Wells, Superintendent